The Nigerian Bar Assosciation Codemns manner of arrest of the Judges

Nigeria have declared war against insurgence in the  country. However, some of the Nigerian judges were arrested on the early hours of Saturday by Department of State service (DSS)

The representative of the Nigerian bar association describes the action as unconstitutional and also a threat to the integrity of the Nigerian bar association and the Judiciary.

The Nigerian bar association have made the following demands in respect to the arrest of the Nigerian Judges.
  • The Nigerian bar association demands the immediate release of the arrested judges
  • and secondly the called upon the  Department of State Service (DSS) to state the reason for doing the work of the police.
Moreover, on the defense of the DSS, Mr Ogunye explained the execution of the warrant of arrest, and quoted Section 148 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, which states that a search warrant can be issued and executed at any time of the day including a Sunday or a public holiday


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